For those of you who may have missed it; the SDCC L.E. exclusive OSM set of four color variation figures sold out this morning in minutes. Do not worry, there will be a full compliment on the official OSM website; Along with the true new OSM releases shortly after Comic Con next week, you will be able to pick up any of the new figures. Thanks so much, Gary.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Four Horsemen Announce Outer Space Men License
There are a couple of very interesting points about this announcement. The Four Horsemen have become best known as the design studio behind the great DC Universe Classics and Masters of the Universe Classics lines from Mattel, but with their Fantastic Exclusive and Seventh Kingdom toys have started venturing into manufacturing their own figures. This will be the first time that they have ventured into the licensing end of the toy business.
Compatibility with Glyos joint system from Onell Designs means that Outer Space Men will launch into an existing fan base. It’ll be interesting to see how the 4H will bring this to market, whether it will be a line sold on Store Horsemen, a different online store, or bricks and mortar retail.
Forty-two years ago the space race between the United States and Russia was in full swing, and a full wave of action figures known as The Outer Space Men was released that caught the imagination of a generation.
Although the initial salvo of characters was well received, the characters that were to be part of the second wave, collectively referred to as The World of Tomorrow, never made it into production and currently only exist as elaborate prototypes / production samples in the homes of a couple of fortunate collectors.
Fast forward to today. Four Horsemen Toy Design Studios have been able to have a hand in the successful re-launches of many of their favorite toy lines from their childhood, but a few of their favorite properties have so far been unobtainable to them until now.
Already well into production, the first two 3-3/4 inch scaled waves of The Outer Space Men will consist of two characters per wave.
Wave one will be Astro-Nautilus: the Man from Neptune featuring four articulated tentacles and his regal undersea trident; and Inferno: the Flame Man of Mercury wielding his fiery flame blaster and removable helmet!
Wave two will contain Xodiac: the Man from Saturn along with his Saturnian scepter, disintegrator pistol, and removable helmet; and Metamorpho: the Man from Alpha Centauri brandishing his morpho-gun, alpha sensor, and transforming facial features!
In an effort to re-introduce The Outer Space Men to as wide an audience as possible, new play features have been added into this new version of a classic toy line! Working directly with Matt Doughty, owner of Onell Designs, the Four Horsemen have incorporated Onell Designs innovative Glyos joint system into The Outer Space Men, making them almost 100% compatible with all of Onell designs releases! The Outer Space Men is something that both the Four Horsemen and Matt have been discussing for years now, and it just seemed like the perfect property in which to incorporate the phenomenal Glyos fit function.
As production nears completion, more images and product availability info will be released. The release of The Outer Space Men marks a new approach to action figure production for the Four Horsemen, and more info about this, other announcements and what role the Horsemens FANtastic Exclusive venture will play in all of this will come next week.
THE OUTER SPACE MEN are certainly not the only "out of this world" creation by Mel Birnkrant. Back in 1986, Birnkrant took the tired concept of boring radio-controlled vehicles, and flipped it. What if the DRIVER were radio-controlled?! R.C. MAN literally steers the steering wheel, operates and “gas pedal” and even supplies the power to make them go. The vehicles, on the other hand, are little more than simple shells with a steering wheel and motor. They have no radio receiver or power supply of their own. Here he is ready to go. Everything but the kitchen sink was stuffed inside his see through body, a motor to turn his head and arms, a dual track radio receiver, a battery power supply, flashing lights, and bits and pieces of assorted junk to make his guts look technical. There was even a speaker in his chest to broadcast his master’s voice. The simple vehicle beside him, which we referred to as a walker, shades of the “Segway”, yet to come 20 years later, consisted of no more that 4 wheels, two connected to a steering column and two connected to a motor. Birnkrant managed to sell the concept to Galoob. What they produced was called “CYBON I”. It was very complex and expensive. Like R.C. MAN, the driver still exerted a measure of control. But Galoob wanted more speed and power in the vehicle than they could get from just the battery in the figure. Therefore, they souped it up with super power. And the vehicle itself took on a wild unruly life all of its own. Ultimately, this venture hardly set the World on fire, but it opened Galoob's door for Baby Face to enter four years later.
The latest comic shop to offer THE OUTER SPACE MEN Graphic Novel is Brooklyn's own, Bergen St Comics. Located on Bergen Street between Flatbush & 5th Avenues in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Bergen Street Comics is part of a new wave of contemporary comic book retailers, Bergen Street Comics focuses on comics content, customer service, and the best possible in-store experience. We are inspired by the brilliant comics being created today, and by other great retailers we’ve seen around the country. Owners, Tom and Amy Adams are incredibly supportive of local talent and excited about offering THE OUTER SPACE MEN Graphic Novel to their valued customers. So if you live in Brooklyn and don't already own a copy of THE OUTER SPACE MEN Graphic Novel. Head on over to Bergen St Comics. You won't regret it. Visit their official website. Follow Bergen St Comics on Twitter. Or Join them on Facebook.
More and more, people are turning to Internet social networking sites as their primary source of information. THE OUTER SPACE MEN think that's out-of-this-world! And since this blog can be a bit wordy at times, You might take comfort in the brevity of TWITTER. TWITTER is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Tweets are text based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers. Twitter is easily the fastest growing Online Member Community with over 20 million unique hits monthly and still climbing.
THE OUTER SPACE MEN Graphic Novel writer Eric C Hayes has recently become a member of the online sensations that is TWITTER. By clicking on the FOLLOW ME button below, you'll get up-to-the-minute news related to all things OSM. Get real-time updates on convention appearances, in-store signings, and news on the long-awaited re-launch of THE OUTER SPACE MEN figures. By following Eric, you'll also get a rare glimpse into the mind that birthed a revolution in sequential artistry. By
TEAM OSM is committed to granting its fans full access to these beloved toys from our collective youths. That's why we will never stop exploring the limitless possibilities of The World Wide Web.
With all the excitement generated by THE OUTER SPACE MEN at last weekend's Big Apple Con, the biggest buzz was about a piece of original OSM art. This four-color silkscreen of the "Jovian Giant" Colossus Rex, is the work of Boston-based artist Andy Fish.
Working as a full-time artist, Andy works in both commercial and fine art. He's also a Professor of Illustration at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Besides creating beautiful artwork inspired by THE OUTER SPACE MEN, Andy's current projects include a screenplay on assignment for Bazeley (IRON GIANT) Films. He's also working on a Graphic Novel featuring a re-telling of Bram Stoker's DRACULA. Andy is also working on a couple of projects for DC Comics, including BATMAN 1939. This particular print was part of Andy's SPACE 242 SHOW that was exhibited this past June in Boston. That's where it caught the eye of OSM publisher Gary Schaeffer.
Like most folks, Andy's fascination with THE OSM began in childhood. A friend's older brother was kind enough to supply Young Andy with hand-me-down comics and toys. "Rex was the coolest thing I got from him" remembers Andy. Andy added "I've always wanted to pick up one as an adult, but they are way too pricey for me." Probably not for too much longer with his talent and bright prospects.
For more info on Andy Fish and his innovative art, visit his Official Site.
This past weekend, TEAM OSM invaded Wizard World/Big Apple Con. What an incredible success! Thanks to all the fans who stopped by to to reminisce with their "Alien" childhood friends. We also had a lot of fun introducing the toys to a whole new generation to the mind-expanding world of THE OUTER SPACE MEN. We had books, t-shirts, Limited Edition artwork and the finest collection of vintage OUTER SPACE MEN in the world.
We had the honor of meeting such artistic talents like sculptor - Eli Livingston, painter - John van Fleet, and illustrator - Deeny Fincke. We also met hardcore toy enthusiast Rob Hull whose site hope to spotlight the epic tale of THE OUTER SPACE MEN soon. And Roderick Paulus with his toytastic Video Toy Magazine.
We have been overwhelmed with the positive response to THE OUTER SPACE MEN Graphic Novel. And are hard at work to bring everyone Vol II in the series. While Wizard World and NYCC debate over their Comic-Con dates for 2010, one thing is for certain, THE OUTER SPACE MEN will be back on the convention circuit ASAP.