More and more, people are turning to Internet social networking sites as their primary source of information. THE OUTER SPACE MEN think that's out-of-this-world! And since this blog can be a bit wordy at times, You might take comfort in the brevity of TWITTER. TWITTER is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Tweets are text based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers. Twitter is easily the fastest growing Online Member Community with over 20 million unique hits monthly and still climbing.
THE OUTER SPACE MEN Graphic Novel writer Eric C Hayes has recently become a member of the online sensations that is TWITTER. By clicking on the FOLLOW ME button below, you'll get up-to-the-minute news related to all things OSM. Get real-time updates on convention appearances, in-store signings, and news on the long-awaited re-launch of THE OUTER SPACE MEN figures. By following Eric, you'll also get a rare glimpse into the mind that birthed a revolution in sequential artistry. By
TEAM OSM is committed to granting its fans full access to these beloved toys from our collective youths. That's why we will never stop exploring the limitless possibilities of The World Wide Web.
With all the excitement generated by THE OUTER SPACE MEN at last weekend's Big Apple Con, the biggest buzz was about a piece of original OSM art. This four-color silkscreen of the "Jovian Giant" Colossus Rex, is the work of Boston-based artist Andy Fish.
Working as a full-time artist, Andy works in both commercial and fine art. He's also a Professor of Illustration at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Besides creating beautiful artwork inspired by THE OUTER SPACE MEN, Andy's current projects include a screenplay on assignment for Bazeley (IRON GIANT) Films. He's also working on a Graphic Novel featuring a re-telling of Bram Stoker's DRACULA. Andy is also working on a couple of projects for DC Comics, including BATMAN 1939. This particular print was part of Andy's SPACE 242 SHOW that was exhibited this past June in Boston. That's where it caught the eye of OSM publisher Gary Schaeffer.
Like most folks, Andy's fascination with THE OSM began in childhood. A friend's older brother was kind enough to supply Young Andy with hand-me-down comics and toys. "Rex was the coolest thing I got from him" remembers Andy. Andy added "I've always wanted to pick up one as an adult, but they are way too pricey for me." Probably not for too much longer with his talent and bright prospects.
For more info on Andy Fish and his innovative art, visit his Official Site.
This past weekend, TEAM OSM invaded Wizard World/Big Apple Con. What an incredible success! Thanks to all the fans who stopped by to to reminisce with their "Alien" childhood friends. We also had a lot of fun introducing the toys to a whole new generation to the mind-expanding world of THE OUTER SPACE MEN. We had books, t-shirts, Limited Edition artwork and the finest collection of vintage OUTER SPACE MEN in the world.
We had the honor of meeting such artistic talents like sculptor - Eli Livingston, painter - John van Fleet, and illustrator - Deeny Fincke. We also met hardcore toy enthusiast Rob Hull whose site hope to spotlight the epic tale of THE OUTER SPACE MEN soon. And Roderick Paulus with his toytastic Video Toy Magazine.
We have been overwhelmed with the positive response to THE OUTER SPACE MEN Graphic Novel. And are hard at work to bring everyone Vol II in the series. While Wizard World and NYCC debate over their Comic-Con dates for 2010, one thing is for certain, THE OUTER SPACE MEN will be back on the convention circuit ASAP.
THE OUTER SPACE MEN LLC has partnered with Drive Thru Comics to make THE OSM Graphic Novel available for digital download! Simply go to Drive Thru Comics where you can get this 160-page space opera for less than five bucks! THE OUTER SPACE MEN LLC is very proud to join established publishers like Archaia Studios, Moonstone Books and 2000 AD. Drive Thru Comics offers a huge selection of downloadable content at super-low prices. Fans of THE OSM may be interested in Captain Action or Star Trek comics.
Besides being focused on bringing THE OUTER SPACE MEN to worldwide prominence, TEAM OSM is constantly looking to explore other artistic avenues. Marc Borstel is one of those valued team members. As colorist/letterer for THE OUTER SPACE MEN Graphic Novel, Marc was an integral reason why the book received such critical acclaim. Marc has recently expanded his resume to include "writer." Having been excepted into the prestigious Zuda comics monthly competition, Marc is already receiving praise for his sci-fi/adventure webcomic "Tessyleia 2.0." I have a limited involvement in the project as well. While Marc's English continues to improve, it wasn't quite ready for a comic contest in an English format. I collaborated with him to simply polish-up an already intriguing dialogue.
So, get out there and support a TEAM OSM member in his quest for artistic super-stardom. Here's how to help.
1. Go to Zuda Comics. 2. Click 'sign up' in the top right 3. Open verification email and 'sign in' 4. Click VOTE on the Tessyleia 2.0 page 5. Add it your favs and give it a rating. 6. Make some comments in the thread below. 7. Spread the word and get friends and family to vote for him!
Visit Marc's blog for a step-by-step look into the artistic process of creating a webcomic. We all wish Marc the best of luck.
The similarities are startling! But it seems to be true. Mer-Man, a MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE action-figure, appears to have characteristics similar to Colossus Rex, THE OUTER SPACE MEN "Giant from Jupiter." Mer-Man made a name for himself as one of Skeletor's most trusted henchmen. Sworn enemy of He-Man and answering only to Skeletor and Beast Man, Mer-Man appears to be the King of a race of amphibious humanoids. These creatures seem to inhabit some or all of the oceans present on the planet of Eternia. Mer-man is characterized by his green, scaly skin and distinctive head fins that may also function as ears. Mattel originally released Mer-Man as part of the first series of their MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE collection in 1981-82. Execs at Mattel could not be reached for comment on the origins of Mer-Man. But the likeness to Colossus Rex is unmistakeable.
In recent years, Mer-Man has experienced a reincarnation of sorts. In 2008, Mattel contracted the amazing artists from Four Horsemen Studios to sculpt Mer-Man for their all-new MOTU CLASSICS line. The new characters "Real Name" is Squidish Rex. Apparently, their similarities have come to include their names. This new figures bio reads, "Ruler of the undersea realms of Eternia, Mer-Man was forced to serve in the armies of Skeletor after his kingdom was destroyed in a battle with rival ocean clans. His allegiance with Skeletor brings him to the surface world more often then he would like. Lurking deep beneath the Sea of Rakash, Mer-Man awaits the evil call to arms of Skeletor!"
For OUTER SPACE MEN fans, it is certainly comforting to see descendants of their mighty Jovian warrior still alive and kicking-butt today. Just as invulnerable to attack and invincible in battle as ever!
Don't forget, you can see Colossus Rex fight the enemies of Earth in the epic Graphic Novel, THE OUTER SPACE MEN!
First, I'd like to thank Eric for the good work he has been doing here on the OSM blog recently.
Second, I'd like to call attention of readers to this other comic blog of mine here - which chronicles my years long quest to find a (early 1970s, likely reprint) comic of my youth.
If anyone has any "leads" please leave a comment at the Search blog.
With the recent mega-success of Transformers 2 and G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, could THE OUTER SPACE MEN be next? Transformers 2, the sequel to the 2007 box office smash hit Transformers, has ticket sales that make Hollywood execs feel good inside. While still in some theaters, the flick based on a popular toy property, has grossed $825 mil worldwide. Not too shabby when you consider the production budget was a mere $200 Mil. So, it shouldn't be surprising that Hollywood is snatching up toy properties and adapting them to the Big Screen. Especially when you consider the success of Paramount's G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra. After only a week and a half, this film, based on the iconic action-figures, has box office revenue that has already surpassed it's production budget by $20 mil!
Last February, Universal Pictures signed a six-year, four-picture partnership with Hasbro toys. Among the properties reported to be associated with this deal is flexible action-figure Stretch Armstrong. And Universal hasn't stopped with Stretch. Earlier this year, they announced plans to produce a film based on Major Matt Mason - Mattel's Man in Space. But don't make the mistake of thinking that Hollywood is "playing around" with these toy properties. Oscar Award winner Brian Grazer has been charged with the task of producing Stretch Armstrong. Universal also has assembled a talented team to bring Major Matt to the silver screen. Multi-Oscar award winning actor Tom Hanks is to star in the film that Emmy Award winner Graham Yost has written.
So why not THE OUTER SPACE MEN? Hasn't the time come to bring this incredible toy to movie theaters worldwide? Imagine an OSM film directed by Zack Snyder, or Robert Rodriguez. With the CGI technology available to today's creators, the possibilities are limitless. Isn't a movie featuring the greatest heroes our solar system has to offer more intriguing than a flick about Legos?
Toy legend and OUTER SPACE MEN creator Mel Birnkrant, has opened up his secret vault to share some never-before-seen OSM goodies! With the launch of, the newest wing of the Birnkrant "Internet Estate," insatiable OSM fans get a taste of the amazing original artwork that beget THE OUTER SPACE MEN. Stop by to see original concept sketches, unpublished interviews, vehicle prototypes, long-lost promotional material and tons of photos! If you are an OSM fan, than you need to check out this site.
Also on the web; THE OUTER SPACE MEN invade the blogosphere!!
T. Reed's Nightmare Sound Laboratory blog explores monsters, film, comics, toys, music and THE OUTER SPACE MEN. A perfect stop for THE OSM enthusiast.
As action-figures around the world are suspiciously gaining muscle and losing body fat, THE OUTER MEN vow to "stay clean." A recent scientific study compared the physique of GI Joe action-figures from the 1960's and today. If the Joes from the 60's were 5 feet 10 inches tall, they would have a chest measuring 44 inches and biceps measuring 12 inches. Not too shabby! By comparison, a contemporary Joe would have measurements of 55 and 15 inches respectively. And at the same time a noticeable loss of body fat has occurred. Really?!
What affect might this type of unattainable appearance have on our youth? Adolescence in America is filled with enough angst already. Throw some body image issues on top and we have a psychological powder-keg on our hands. At a time when our sports stars are being exposed as steroid-using cheats. Must our super-heroes be dirty?
True to their time and place in history, THE OUTER SPACE MEN appeared fit. Not ridiculously muscle bound, chiseled and veiny. Expect more of the same when they make their eventual return to action-figure immortality! Saving Earth from those who might wish it harm keep them pretty trim. Besides which, the code of the Inter-planetary Security Council strictly forbids the use of Performance Enhancing Drugs.
On May 25, 1961, Prsident John F. Kennedy made an impassioned speech to the US Congress. The purpose of this dramatic speech was to announce his ambitious proposal to land an American man on the moon. American morale had been usnusually low after being beaten into space by the Soviets four years earlier. Kennedy was also hoping to recover from the embarassing Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, which had been a disastrous failure just days earlier.
In the speech, Kennedy said, "First, I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish. "
The speech captured the imagination of the American people. More importantly, America's children began crying out for a realistic space-toy to take their collective imagination to the moon. Enter MAJOR MATT MASON - MATTEL'S MAN IN SPACE. This imaginative toyline hit the scene in 1966 an was an immediate success. The high demand for Matt Mason and space-toys led Colorforms toy guru, Mel Birnkrant, to design an innovative toy to be played alongside Major Matt. THE OUTER SPACE MEN were crafted to scale and with the same rubber-bendy material as Mattel's popular toyline. Even down to the accordian-like joints. In the case of THE OUTER SPACE MEN however, the child was given ultimate control to decide whethter THE OSM were friend of foe to Major Matt. In 1968, the first shipment of 200,000 OUTER SPACE MEN landed in the US. Sales were brisk, and another 300,000 were being manufactured in Honk Kong to be released in the summer of 1969. Mel Birnkrant was also busily working on a Second Series of OSM. That's when Neil Armstrong and the crew of Apollo 11 took their first steps on the moon. The brave astronauts emerged from the Lunar Lander to find....nothing. No life, no footprints, no alien base, no air....nothing. How are kids going to play out in their snadbox with their atronauts, if there's nothing but sand? And due to shipping delays, there weren't even any OUTER SPACE MEN. Seemingly overnight, "space" became a dirty word in the toy industry. Even with Major Matt as one of its top sellers, Mattel pulled the plug on manufacturing this popular line. Colorforms renamed THE OUTER SPACE MEN, "THE WORLD OF THE FUTURE." But it was too late. Space toys were declared dead. It took almost ten years and a young Jedi by the name of Luke Skywalker to get kids interested in anything space related again. By that time, if you lived on the East Coast, you could probably find a dusty OUTER SPACE MEN on the shelf of some discount department store. So, if your looking for a villain in the interesting life(and death) of THE OUTER SPACE MEN, I suggest you look to Neil Armstrong. American hero, and THE OUTER SPACE MEN "murderer."
One thing my New York Comic Con '09 experience taught me, was that OUTER SPACE MEN collectors come in all shapes and sizes. OSM enthusiast Gary Schaeffer boasts the finest collection of "Museum Quality" OUTER SPACE MEN in the world. An ex-Wall-Streeter, Gary befriended OSM creator Mel Birnkrant at the Atlantique City Toy Show in 1991, and an obsession was reborn. Gary's collection can be viewed at the Official Website of the OSM.
Toy Collector, Steve Fink, discusses his OUTER SPACE MEN collector experiences on the popular toy site Lee's Toy Review. These types of story's are not uncommon when you're dealing with a toy that had such an lasting impact on the lives of so many young children. But the real reason for me to post this blog, is to share the following video. We get to see some OSM collectors in moving pictures! Enjoy the OSM goodness!
According to Variety, Tom Hanks, has agreed to star in a live action feature film based on the 1960's icon Major Matt Mason - Mattel's Man in Space. Graham Yost has been hired to write the screenplay. Yost has history with both sci-fi(Mission to Mars) and action-adventure(Speed.) He also has a working relationship with Hanks(Band of Brothers and From Earth to the Moon.)
Major Matt was an attempt by Mattel to capitalize on NASA's race to the moon. Major Matt and his astronaut buddies were stationed on the moon and were modeled after images seen in aviation periodicals. This toy line was hugely successful for Mattel and inspired Mel Birnkrant, then working for Colorforms, to create THE OUTER SPACE MEN. Ulitmately, space toys all suffered the same fate when Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon in '69. When no man-eating aliens devoured the unsuspecting astronauts. And the Apollo 11 missioned was deemed a monumental success, space toys were declared dead. That is, until Luke Skywalker blew up the Death Star in '77.
With Hollywood interest in retro toys being adapted into films, what does this mean for THE OSM? If Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is able to match the success of its predessor and GI Joe goes box office Boffo, will THE OUTER SPACE MEN be next? Let's speculate as to the format and casting of a big-budget OSM film. I'm thinking about a combination of CGI and live acting. Dolph Lundgren to play Venusian Commander Comet? Last year's Hulk proved that a total CGI character can carry a film. Is this what the Jovian Giant Colossus Rex will become? What about a "motion capture" technique? Ala Andy Serkis(LOTR and King Kong.)
Forget about Stretch Armstong or Etch-a-Sketch films! Contact your local Congressman, and demand that the next retro toy movie adaptation be THE OUTER SPACE MEN!